What Is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a condition that affects the ability to acquire mathematical skills. It is unrelated to age, level of education, or experience and occurs across all ages and abilities.

Dyscalculic learners may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts, lack an intuitive grasp of numbers, and have trouble learning number facts and procedures.

What Is Dyscalculia

Even if they produce a correct answer or use a correct method, they may do so mechanically and without confidence.

It is estimated about 6% of the population have dyscalculia, but studies into dyscalculia are about 30 years behind studies into dyslexia.

What Is Dyscalculia In Children?

Dyscalculia often first appears in childhood and can persist into adulthood if not addressed.

Some common signs in children include difficulty learning basic math facts and concepts, struggling to understand number relationships and math symbols, and problems with counting, quantifying, recognizing patterns, and sequencing math problems.

Children with dyscalculia may also have trouble grasping time and direction concepts and often confuse math symbols like + and -.

Children with dyscalculia typically dislike math and avoid it due to frustration. They often rely too much on immature strategies like counting on fingers.

Dyscalculia can lead to challenges across school subjects involving numbers, measurement, and data interpretation.

It’s crucial to identify dyscalculia early through assessment. Interventions can significantly help children manage symptoms.

Providing concrete learning aids, breaking down math concepts, pre-teaching new material, allowing more time, and building confidence are all beneficial. Tutoring, therapy, and technology also help.

With proper adaptations, accommodations, and support, children with dyscalculia can become successful in math.

Early identification and intervention are key for developing strategies and skills to manage dyscalculia throughout their education and into later life.

What Is Dyscalculia

What Is Dyscalculia In Adults?

Dyscalculia often persists into adulthood if not identified and addressed in childhood.

Adults with dyscalculia can experience significant challenges in day-to-day life, including struggling with budgeting, time management, and performing quantitative tasks at work.

Some common signs in adults are reliance on calculators for basic maths, frequently losing track of time, mixing up dates and appointments, and avoiding careers involving maths.

Many adults develop coping strategies like using technology, but a formal assessment can identify areas of difficulty.

While dyscalculia is lifelong, interventions like tutoring, therapy, and assistive technology can help adults manage symptoms.

Providing written instructions, additional time for quantitative tasks, and avoiding time pressures also supports adults with dyscalculia in education and workplaces.

With the right accommodations and strategies, adults can successfully manage their dyscalculia.

Get in touch to book an assessment for you or your child.