The Best Math Games And Tools For Dyscalculia

Math games and tools for dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a specific learning difficulty that impacts a person’s relationship with numbers and their ability to do math.

The understanding of and research into dyscalculia is somewhat behind that of dyslexia, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t tools available to you if you have been diagnosed with dyscalculia.

In this guide, we’ve handpicked the best math games and tools for dyscalculia. These aren’t just for children; we have a helpful section for adults, too.

What Games Are Good For Dyscalculia? Ideas For Kids

Integrating games into learning is a proven method to help overcome the challenges associated with dyscalculia.

Games provide a visual and tactile learning experience, making abstract concepts more concrete and understandable.

Here are some effective game ideas designed to aid kids with dyscalculia in developing their math skills.


Card games are an excellent tool for teaching mathematical concepts.

Simple games like War or Go Fish can reinforce number recognition and basic arithmetic operations.

By handling cards, children practice counting, comparing numbers, and understanding numerical value in a fun, low-pressure environment.

For instance, War encourages children to compare numerical values to determine which is higher or lower, enhancing their ability to understand and process numbers.

Top Trumps works similarly, where you must look for the biggest number on your card to try to beat your opponents. The benefit of Top Trumps is that the cards come with varying themes so that you can appeal to your children’s interests. For example, if your child is a Disney fan, you can get Disney-themed cards, or if your child loves football, you can choose football-themed cards instead.


Dominoes is another fantastic game that promotes numerical learning and pattern recognition.

Playing dominoes requires children to match numbers visually, which helps with their ability to recognise the number of objects at a glance without counting.

This game also introduces strategic thinking as children learn to play their pieces to win, all the while engaging with numbers tangibly.

Dice Games

Dice games offer a wide range of learning opportunities for children with dyscalculia.

Games such as Yahtzee or simple roll-and-add games enhance number recognition, counting skills, and the understanding of probability and chance.

Rolling dice provides a random element that keeps the game exciting, while the need to add, subtract, or even multiply the numbers on the dice encourages mental math practice in a playful setting.

Math Board Games

One of the key benefits of math board games is their ability to cater to various skill levels and mathematical concepts.

Even the classics, like Snakes and Ladders, can help to reinforce math.

There are lots of board games that are specifically tailored to support math learning, though.

From basic counting and number recognition to more complex operations like multiplication and division, there’s a board game suitable for every learner.

Sum Swamp is a game designed to enhance addition and subtraction skills. Players navigate their way across a swamp by rolling dice and solving math problems, making it an excellent way for children to practice arithmetic in a playful setting.

Math Bingo is another popular board game that transforms the classic bingo game into a math learning activity. Players solve math problems to mark their bingo cards, covering a range of math skills from basic operations to more advanced problems. This game is adaptable to different age groups and skill levels, making it a versatile tool for reinforcing math learning.

For older children or those ready for more challenging material, games like Prime Climb offer a deeper dive into mathematical concepts. This game focuses on multiplication, division, and prime numbers, encouraging players to use strategic thinking and advanced math skills to advance on the board.

See also: How To Help A Child With Dyscalculia At Home

6 Math Games And Tools For Dyscalculia Online

In addition to physical games, there are also numerous options for math games and tools online to support learners with dyscalculia.

We’ve highlighted a small section below, but if you search for maths on your Apple or Play Stores, you’ll find many more options.


This is a math game that helps improve addition and multiplication skills through fun challenges. Players select sushi pieces to achieve a target number.

The game includes 12 levels with addition and multiplication challenges designed to enhance strategic thinking and math fluency.


There are numerous Thinking Blocks games on the website, each tailored to different levels and for practising math skills.

It’s a little more confusing than other games on the list, but it’s still worth checking out.


Concentration offers simple and quick games to practice math rules. You can choose between number recognition, multiplication, percentages, and more.


DoodleMaths from DoodleLearning is a fun way to engage children in math problems. The great thing about this tool is there are so many different, interactive options to choose from.

This particular tool is suitable for children from ages 4 to 14.


This is a cool app that allows children to practice various math skills and concepts, from shape recognition to fraction work.


This is a fun little game that helps with plotting numbers, visualising number quantities and more.

Just watch out for those pesky eels!

Math Games And Tools For Dyscalculia For Adults

Many of the games and tools we’ve highlighted in this guide work just as well for adults as they do for children.

However, some games may be too complicated for younger learners that work for adults.

One example is sudoku. This puzzle game, which involves filling a 9×9 grid so that each column, row, and nine 3×3 subgrids contain all of the digits from 1 to 9, challenges players to recognise patterns and employ logical thinking. Sudoku does not require advanced math skills, making it accessible for adults with dyscalculia, yet it encourages the development of problem-solving skills and improves concentration and number placement strategy.

We mentioned Yahtzee earlier in the children’s section, but this is an engaging game for adults, too, which gets you to interact with numbers.

Another tool that is particularly useful for adults is financial planning software or apps that gamify budgeting and financial management. These tools often use visuals and interactive elements to simplify managing finances, which can be challenging for those with dyscalculia.

By turning financial planning into a more game-like experience, adults can practice and improve their numerical skills in a real-world context, making the abstract concepts of budgeting, saving, and spending more tangible and understandable.

See also: Dyscalculia Coping Mechanisms For Adults

Our Final Thoughts

There are many ways you can help someone with dyscalculia – math games and tools are just one idea.

If you are looking for a dyscalculia diagnosis to unlock support in school for your child or for yourself at work, give us a call on 01633 439 220 or click here.